
Partnership Disputes

Even the best-intentioned business partners will encounter disagreements from time to time, and occasionally legal action may be required to protect your investments and assets. Disputes among partners or other business owners may arise from a failure to honor fiduciary duties, a failure to satisfy contractual obligations set forth in a partnership agreement, operating agreement, or other business contract, secret business dealings by a business owner that are not in the company's best interests, or any number of other scenarios. To avoid undue disruption in the day-to-day operation of the business, such disputes usually need to be resolved as expeditiously as possible. The attorneys at BerlikLaw are skilled at handling various forms of partner disputes and are experienced in obtaining appropriate relief swiftly and economically.

Give us a call if you suspect your partner has violated an obligation owed to you or your business. We can help you investigate the claim and take the steps necessary to protect your interests and preserve your rights, whether those interests include collecting lost profits or seeking to dissolve the business venture. If necessary, the firm will put together a team of forensic accountants and business advisors, private investigators, and other experts to ensure your case is strong and supported by compelling evidence. Among the partnership disputes handled by the firm are the following:

Litigation is not always the answer. Owners of closely-held corporations and other small businesses typically want to resolve conflicts as amicably as possible and return to servicing their customers. Through alternative dispute-resolution procedures like negotiation, mediation, and arbitration, it is often possible to reach resolutions that address the business partner's integrity issues and/or decision-making authority while still preserving the enterprise you have worked so hard to build as an entrepreneur.

Don't allow a rogue business partner to get the best of you. The experienced Virginia lawyers at BerlikLaw are dedicated to achieving results for every client, in every case.

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